    [0] => WP_Term Object
            [term_id] => 8692
            [name] => Rajzfilm-Mese bögre
            [slug] => rajzfilm-mese-bogre
            [term_group] => 0
            [term_taxonomy_id] => 8692
            [taxonomy] => product_cat
            [description] => 
            [parent] => 5259
            [count] => 9
            [filter] => raw
            [term_order] => 0

    [1] => WP_Term Object
            [term_id] => 8387
            [name] => Alien bögrék
            [slug] => alien-bogrek
            [term_group] => 0
            [term_taxonomy_id] => 8387
            [taxonomy] => product_cat
            [description] => 
            [parent] => 5259
            [count] => 14
            [filter] => raw
            [term_order] => 0

    [2] => WP_Term Object
            [term_id] => 8486
            [name] => Beetlejuice bögrék
            [slug] => beetlejuice-bogrek-filmek-sorozatok-bogre
            [term_group] => 0
            [term_taxonomy_id] => 8486
            [taxonomy] => product_cat
            [description] => 
            [parent] => 5259
            [count] => 7
            [filter] => raw
            [term_order] => 0

    [3] => WP_Term Object
            [term_id] => 8242
            [name] => Bridgerton bögrék
            [slug] => bridgerton-bogrek
            [term_group] => 0
            [term_taxonomy_id] => 8242
            [taxonomy] => product_cat
            [description] => 
            [parent] => 5259
            [count] => 2
            [filter] => raw
            [term_order] => 0

    [4] => WP_Term Object
            [term_id] => 8355
            [name] => Deadpool bögrék
            [slug] => deadpool-bogrek
            [term_group] => 0
            [term_taxonomy_id] => 8355
            [taxonomy] => product_cat
            [description] => 
            [parent] => 5259
            [count] => 8
            [filter] => raw
            [term_order] => 0

    [5] => WP_Term Object
            [term_id] => 8616
            [name] => Dragon Ball bögre
            [slug] => dragon-ball-bogre
            [term_group] => 0
            [term_taxonomy_id] => 8616
            [taxonomy] => product_cat
            [description] => 
            [parent] => 5259
            [count] => 16
            [filter] => raw
            [term_order] => 0

    [6] => WP_Term Object
            [term_id] => 8343
            [name] => Harry Potter bögrék
            [slug] => harry-potter-bogrek
            [term_group] => 0
            [term_taxonomy_id] => 8343
            [taxonomy] => product_cat
            [description] => 
            [parent] => 5259
            [count] => 11
            [filter] => raw
            [term_order] => 0

    [7] => WP_Term Object
            [term_id] => 8365
            [name] => Pindúr Pandúrok bögrék
            [slug] => pindur-pandurok-bogrek
            [term_group] => 0
            [term_taxonomy_id] => 8365
            [taxonomy] => product_cat
            [description] => 
            [parent] => 5259
            [count] => 6
            [filter] => raw
            [term_order] => 0

    [8] => WP_Term Object
            [term_id] => 8553
            [name] => Venom bögre
            [slug] => venom-bogre
            [term_group] => 0
            [term_taxonomy_id] => 8553
            [taxonomy] => product_cat
            [description] => 
            [parent] => 5259
            [count] => 9
            [filter] => raw
            [term_order] => 0

    [9] => WP_Term Object
            [term_id] => 7644
            [name] => Stitch bögrék
            [slug] => stitch-bogrek
            [term_group] => 0
            [term_taxonomy_id] => 7644
            [taxonomy] => product_cat
            [description] => 
            [parent] => 5259
            [count] => 3
            [filter] => raw
            [term_order] => 0

    [10] => WP_Term Object
            [term_id] => 6690
            [name] => Bátor, a gyáva kutya bögrék
            [slug] => bator-a-gyava-kutya-bogre
            [term_group] => 0
            [term_taxonomy_id] => 6690
            [taxonomy] => product_cat
            [description] => 
            [parent] => 5259
            [count] => 6
            [filter] => raw
            [term_order] => 0

    [11] => WP_Term Object
            [term_id] => 6697
            [name] => Dexter laboratóriuma bögrék
            [slug] => dexter-laboratoriuma-bogre
            [term_group] => 0
            [term_taxonomy_id] => 6697
            [taxonomy] => product_cat
            [description] => 
            [parent] => 5259
            [count] => 6
            [filter] => raw
            [term_order] => 0

    [12] => WP_Term Object
            [term_id] => 6668
            [name] => Ed, Edd és Eddy bögrék
            [slug] => ed-edd-es-eddy-bogre
            [term_group] => 0
            [term_taxonomy_id] => 6668
            [taxonomy] => product_cat
            [description] => 
            [parent] => 5259
            [count] => 14
            [filter] => raw
            [term_order] => 0

    [13] => WP_Term Object
            [term_id] => 6704
            [name] => Johnny Bravo bögrék
            [slug] => johnny-bravo-bogre
            [term_group] => 0
            [term_taxonomy_id] => 6704
            [taxonomy] => product_cat
            [description] => 
            [parent] => 5259
            [count] => 7
            [filter] => raw
            [term_order] => 0

    [14] => WP_Term Object
            [term_id] => 6506
            [name] => The Mandalorian bögrék
            [slug] => the-mandalorian-bogrek
            [term_group] => 0
            [term_taxonomy_id] => 6506
            [taxonomy] => product_cat
            [description] => 
            [parent] => 5259
            [count] => 10
            [filter] => raw
            [term_order] => 0

    [15] => WP_Term Object
            [term_id] => 5835
            [name] => The last of us bögrék
            [slug] => the-last-of-us-bogrek
            [term_group] => 0
            [term_taxonomy_id] => 5835
            [taxonomy] => product_cat
            [description] => 
            [parent] => 5259
            [count] => 9
            [filter] => raw
            [term_order] => 0

    [16] => WP_Term Object
            [term_id] => 5718
            [name] => Naruto bögrék
            [slug] => naruto-bogrek
            [term_group] => 0
            [term_taxonomy_id] => 5718
            [taxonomy] => product_cat
            [description] => 
            [parent] => 5259
            [count] => 28
            [filter] => raw
            [term_order] => 0

    [17] => WP_Term Object
            [term_id] => 5416
            [name] => Stranger Things bögre
            [slug] => stranger-things-bogre
            [term_group] => 0
            [term_taxonomy_id] => 5416
            [taxonomy] => product_cat
            [description] => 
            [parent] => 5259
            [count] => 8
            [filter] => raw
            [term_order] => 0

    [18] => WP_Term Object
            [term_id] => 5627
            [name] => Wednesday bögrék
            [slug] => wednesday-bogrek
            [term_group] => 0
            [term_taxonomy_id] => 5627
            [taxonomy] => product_cat
            [description] => 
            [parent] => 5259
            [count] => 9
            [filter] => raw
            [term_order] => 0

    [19] => WP_Term Object
            [term_id] => 5260
            [name] => Arcane bögre
            [slug] => arcane-bogre
            [term_group] => 0
            [term_taxonomy_id] => 5260
            [taxonomy] => product_cat
            [description] => 
            [parent] => 5259
            [count] => 27
            [filter] => raw
            [term_order] => 0

    [20] => WP_Term Object
            [term_id] => 5285
            [name] => Attack on titan bögrék
            [slug] => attack-on-titan-filmek-sorozatok-bogre
            [term_group] => 0
            [term_taxonomy_id] => 5285
            [taxonomy] => product_cat
            [description] => 
            [parent] => 5259
            [count] => 4
            [filter] => raw
            [term_order] => 0

    [21] => WP_Term Object
            [term_id] => 5378
            [name] => Egyéb filmek-sorozatok bögre
            [slug] => egyeb-filmek-sorozatok-bogre
            [term_group] => 0
            [term_taxonomy_id] => 5378
            [taxonomy] => product_cat
            [description] => 
            [parent] => 5259
            [count] => 3
            [filter] => raw
            [term_order] => 0


Filmek-Sorozatok bögre

Rajzfilm-Mese bögre

Stitch Ohana means family bögre

Vaiana rajz bögre

Az oroszlánkirály bögre

Tarzan Terk rajz bögre

The Little Mermaid kör felirat bögre


Alien bögrék

Alien a kiváncsiság szüli a… feliratos bögre

Alien queen bögre

Alien zöld bögre

Alien burst out ingyen ölelés bögre

Alien figyelmezető tábla bögre


Beetlejuice bögrék

Beetlejuice Itt nyugszik bögre

Beetlejuice bögre

Beetlejuice Lydia Az Életvidám bögre

Beetlejuice Bob az év dolgozója bögre

Bettlejuice characters dirty art bögre


Bridgerton bögrék

Fetch my crown I’m watching bridgerton bögre

Bridgerton family bögre


Deadpool bögrék

Deadpool and Wolverine bögre

Deadpool Wolvarine Go f_yourself bögre

Logan karom bögre

Wolverine X Claws bögre

Deadpool rozsomák bögre


Dragon Ball bögre

Sayian forever bögre

Goku evolution bögre

Kamehameha sample project part 2 bögre

Dragon ball adventures bögre

Roshi nose bleed bögre


Harry Potter bögrék

Harry Potter muglival vagyok bögre

Harry Potter a halál ereklyéi színes bögre

Espresso patronum bögre

Harry Potter Ford Anglia bögre

Voldemort múlt jelen jövő bögre


Pindúr Pandúrok bögrék

Pindúr pandúrok és a professzor bögre

Pindúr Pandúrok buttercup girl bögre

The Powerpuff girls fly bögre

Pindúr Pandúrok bubbles girl bögre

Pindúr Pandúrok harc bögre


Venom bögre

Venom symbol bögre

Venom girls We R bögre

Venom minimal bögre

Venom The last dance bögre

Venom We Do bögre


Stitch bögrék

Stitch love szivecskékkel bögre

Stitch and Angel love heart bögre

Stitch Ohana means family bögre


Bátor, a gyáva kutya bögrék

Bátor a gyáva kutya logó bögre

Bátor a gyáva kutya Muriel bögre

Bátor a gyáva kutya vicces bögre

Bátor a gyáva kutya Eustace bögre

Bátor a gyáva kutya bögre


Dexter laboratóriuma bögrék

Dexter laboratóriuma ötletelős bögre

Dexter laboratóriuma logo bögre

Dexter laboratóriuma Dee Dee bögre

Dexter laboratóriuma kanapé bögre

Dexter laboratóriuma család bögre


Ed, Edd és Eddy bögrék

Ed, Edd és Eddy Lee Marie May bögre

Ed, Edd és Eddy bevásárlókocsi bögre

Ed, Edd és Eddy Edd karakterű bögre

Ed, Edd és Eddy Kevin bögre

Ed, Edd és Eddy piros felirattal bögre


Johnny Bravo bögrék

Johnny Bravo motoros bögre

Johnny Bravo rajzfilm logós bögre

Johnny Bravo fej karakter bögre

Johnny Bravo felirat bögre

Johnny Bravo veled is volt már bögre


The Mandalorian bögrék

The Mandalorian repülés bögre

The Mandalorian tűz bögre

The Mandalorian sivatag bögre

The Mandalorian motoron bögre

The Mandalorian karakter bögre


The last of us bögrék

The last of us city jungel bögre

The last of us Ellie és Joel bögre

The last of us Ellie sír bögre

The last of us Ellie szarvas bögre

The last of us felirat bögre


Naruto bögrék

Naruto Gaara bögre

Uzumaki na bögre

Naruto Akatsuki bögre